Thursday, May 5, 2011 website, new work, new new new.

If by chance you happen to stumble upon this blog, I'd like to thank you for lurking.

For the past 7 months, I've been working hard on revamping my business as a freelance art director/illustrator/designer. Been traveling a bunch and I had a life changing experience at Art Basel this past December. There is going to be a new website coming soon that will show my new illustrations/digital collages/etc. Until then, enjoy this visually stimulating video i found online by Woodkid.

Woodkid - Iron from WOODKID on Vimeo.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Blogger Negligence and a 2011 artist update.

So...I've been kind of negligent about blogging. Sorry Kids. Things too look out for in 2011? SM\Shadow Monster is currently in the process of building a new portfolio site. Its going to be more way more illustration heavy, but it will retain a dense design aspect of work as well. Lots of collaboration and freelance going on too! After visiting Miami for Art Basel 2010, it was super inspirational. It really lit a fire up my rear. So, for my 2 readers out there. If anybody on the internet is actually reading this all. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

David Choe x James Jean

Someone, anyone please buy me airfare and hotel for THIS. I'll be your best friend if ya do!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Homemade Spacecraft.

If anyone....and i mean ANYONE decides to make one of these . Contact me immediately. I would most happily design the graphics your space ship...I'm dead serious.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

If anyone is actually reading my blog...

...then that makes you ridiculously awesome. Don't let anyone else tell you different. I've been off my blog for a while because well...honestly...been busy. My apologies lurkers (or lurker, singular, there is like one dude subscribed to my blog, shout out to you bro! Give yourself a pat on the back Chet). I've been making lots of art lately with my friend Maleknaz . Amazing photographer, go out and check her work out. I've also been collaborating with my homie Rosco Flevo who is the art director of Embrace the Culture. Thanks for the link love Rosco! If you don't own one of his shirts, then you're not living life people. Affluent clothing for affluent lifestyles. Go do it. Oh, and I was on tour with The Dillinger Escape Plan by way of Warped Tour this Summer as well. Pictures will be posted and I'll actually start posting my art real soon. I promise. Until then, cheers!


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Scarface...the Play

When the hell did Scarface become part of elementary school curriculum?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Last Halloween...White House

Old news but I thought it would be appropriate for my blog. So last Halloween, I was invited to work on this project at the White House. I had to carve a pumpkin that weighed 1,000 lbs for Michelle Obama.  I was working with two sculptors and they needed a designer to layout the font for this beast of a pumpkin. I was an all day event, rainy and cold, surrounded by secret service and the whole nine, but cool as hell. Rom Emanuel came out and greeted us. I was extremely honored by the whole event. They even snapped a picture of me for the Washington Post's website.  Thanks Shadeh!